Khaleda’s assets in KSA can be proved: Muhith

UNB, Sylhet :
Finance Minister Abul Maal Abdul Muhith on Saturday said that it can be proved that Khaleda Zia’s family has got assets in Saudi Arabia.
“Prime Minister has raised the allegation and there must be sufficient information in this regard, which can be proved,” said the minister while talking to reporters after unveiling the Mural of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at Sylhet Agricultural University (SAU).
Muhith also said that reply to the legal notice sent by BNP
Chairperson Khaleda Zia to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will be given in a lawful manner.
Lawyers will handle the legal notice served by Khaleda Zia, he added.
Mahmudus Samad Koyes MP, former MP Shafikur Rahman Chowdhury, Sylhet Sadar Upazila Chairman Ashfaq Ahmad, SAU Vice Chancellor Professor Dr Md Golam Shahi Alam, among others, were present at the programme.
Earlier on December 20, BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia sent a legal notice to the Prime Minister asking her to apologies for making ‘baseless and defamatory’ remarks about her assets abroad.
Earlier on December 7, the Prime Minister at a press conference voiced her discontent as the mainstream media did not run any report on Khaleda Zia’s ‘assets in Saudi Arabia’.
According to some media reports based on the information by Global Intelligence Network’ and ‘Canadian TV channel The National, anti-corruption investigation in Saudi Arabia revealed that Khaleda and her family members have assets in that country.