Khaleda’s arrest only to hasten govt’s fall: BNP

UNB, Dhaka :
BNP on Wednesday warned that any move to arrest its chairperson Khaleda Zia will only hasten the government’s fall.
In a statement, BNP joint secretary general Salauddin Ahmed, said, “The ongoing movement cannot be stopped with filing cases, launching attacks and issuing arrest threat.”
He further said, “Having failed to suppress the mass movement even after killing hundreds of 20-party leaders and activists and arresting over 20,0000 others, including senior leaders, the illegal regime is trying to put Khaleda Zia behind the bars as part of its last-ditch efforts to cling to power.”
Salauddin said the current ‘autocratic’ government has completed all the preparations to arrest the BNP chief in a false case as she is the main barrier towards establishing a ‘fascist one-party rule’.
He alleged that the government has turned the entire judicial system into its
weapon for suppressing the opposition parties and different opinions by creating a judicial anarchy in the country through politicisation, naked interference and enabling parliament to remove judges. “As part of it, a warrant for Khaleda Zia’s arrest was issued on Wednesday in a false and fabricated case.”
Claiming that the government has kept Khaleda under undeclared house arrest, the BNP leader said food supply to her office has remained disrupted for over two weeks while cable, phone and fax connections to it are yet to be restored.
He alleged that the government did not take action against those responsible for an ‘attack on Khaleda Zia’s motorcade’ on December 24 at Bakhsibazar on her way to the makeshift court there.
The BNP spokesman claimed that Khaleda Zia declined to appear before court for security reason as the situation has now turned more dangerous.
“The court issued the arrest warrant against ‘Deshnetri’ being influenced by the government. We strongly condemn and protest the government’s hatred plot to harass her and take political revenge.”
Earlier in the day, a Dhaka court, revoking her bail, issued a warrant for the arrest of Khaleda’ and two other accused in the Zia Orphanage and Zia Charitable Trust Fund graft cases.
On August 8, 2011, the ACC filed the Zia Charitable Trust graft case with Tejgaon Police Station accusing four people, including Khaleda Zia, of abusing power in raising funds for the trust from unknown sources.
ACC deputy director Harunur Rashid, also an investigation officer of the case, submitted the charge-sheet against the accused on January 16, 2012.