Khaleda will secure bail: say pro-AL lawyers

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Pro-Awami League (AL) lawyers opined that BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia who was sent to jail in a graft case will secure bail at High Court (HC).
At the same time, they also urged BNP-backed lawyers not to create smog over her (Khaleda) conviction.
Pro-Awami League lawyers came up with the statement in a press briefing on Sunday. Former law minister Barrister Shafique Ahmed said, “Article 66 of Bangladesh constitution stipulates that a person is not eliglble for election as, or for being, a Member of Parliament if he has been convicted for a criminal offence involving moral turpitude and sentenced to suffer imprisonment of two years or more unless a period of five years has elapsed since his release. “Khaleda Zia can appeal with High Court and will also secure bail. She can also seek stay of the punishment. At this circumstance, if someone files an appeal petition, he can participate in election until the trial ends. So, it should not be created any debate over Khaleda’s participation in polls. Law will run with its own speed,” he added. Abdul Matin Khasru, former law minister of Awami League, said, “A court sentenced Khaleda Zia. Here, the government has nothing to do. High Court usually grants bail to a convict if he/she sentenced till five years. So, Khaleda Zia will also get bail.” Barrister Sheikh Fazle Noor Taposh, member secretary of Bangabandhu Awami Ainjibi Parishad, said, “Rule of law has been established through the verdict of Khaleda Zia’s graft case. Now she will appeal for bail. The court will consider whether she secures bail or not. And now she can secure bail through legal procedures.”
