Khaleda wants consensus for fresh polls


UNB, Dhaka :
BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia on Thursday stressed the need for forging a national consensus to take the country forward through holding a fresh election under a non-party caretaker government.
“We want to work together and restore peace. We all must achieve a national consensus to take the country forward. There maybe differences of opinions among us, but we’ll work together,” she told an Iftar party.
Khaleda, also a former Prime Minister, further said, “I call upon all to come
forward with a fresh vigour to work together forgetting the past bitterness. For this, an elected and democratic government must be established through a fair election under a non-party administration.”
The pro-BNP faction of Bangladesh Federal Union of Journalists (BFUJ) and Dhaka Union of Journalists (DUJ) arranged the Iftar party on the premises of the Jatiya Press Club. The BNP chief said people are now passing through a critical time due to misrule and repression by the current regime.
“Most of the people are affected and repressed under the rule of the Awami League government. People have no security and job opportunity. The rate of poverty is growing while the young generation are getting frustrated for lack of jobs. We must overcome this situation,” she said.
Criticising the government for what she said its failure to deliver, Khaleda said the government is least bothered about people’s welfare and carrying out development works as it is busy looting public money.
Referring to the sorry state of roads, highways, nagging traffic jam in the capital, Khaleda questioned where the government is and its development works? “Dhaka has been made a dirty city. It seems there’ s no one to clean it up.”
“A country cannot be run by an illegal and undemocratic government,” she said adding that an elected and democratic government must be installed through fair polls to ensure the rule of law, development in the country and welfare of its people.
The BNP chief said they will launch a movement instead of a war after Eid to establish people’s voting right.
She called upon all to get united and put up a strong resistance against the current ‘illegal’ government and its repressive acts and misrule.
A special munajat was offered before the Iftar seeking welfare of the country and its people.
