Khaleda verdict timeline

UNB, Dhaka :
The timeline of the Zia Orphanage Trust Graft Case:
Convicted people: BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia, her eldest son Tarique Rahman, former BNP MP Salimul Haq Kamal and businessman Sharfuddin Ahmed, former principal secretary Kamal Uddin Siddique and Mominur Rahman, nephew of late President Ziaur Rahman.
ACC filed case on July 3, 2008
Chargesheet submitted on August 5, 2009
March 19, 2014: framing of charges
September 22, 2014: Trial started
Total prosecution witnesses: 32
Defence witnesses: 3
December 20, 2017: Closing arguments started
January 25, 2018: Closing arguments ended
Number of days of proceedings: 236 days
Five years jail for Khaleda Zia
Ten years jail for Tarique Rahman, former BNP MP Salimul Haq Kamal and businessman Sharfuddin Ahmed, former principal secretary Kamal Uddin Siddique and Mominur Rahman, nephew of late President Ziaur Rahman and 2.10 crore
fine for them.
Trial day timeline
10am- Scuffled broke out between female members of police and female pro-BNP lawyers Police forcibly
10:30am- Pro-BNP lawyers were forcibly pushed inside HC mazar gate
11:24am- BCL leaders and activists staged showdown in the HC area, DU campus, Shahbagh, Jatiya Press Club areas riding on around 100/150 motorbikes
11:45am- Khaleda left office for the court
1:45pm- Reached the court
2:12pm to 2:30 pm- The court read out the verdict
3pm- Khaleda left the court
3:13pm- She reached the jail gate
Cases against Khaleda Zia
Total- 32
September 2, 2007- Gatco graft case
December 9, 2007- Niko graft case
February 26, 2008- Barapukuria coalmine graft Case
August 8, 2011- ACC filedZia Charitable Trust graft case
October 2, 2012- Loan default aase
January, 2015- 3 Arson cases filed with Jatrabari Police Station
January- March, 2015- Nine arson aases filed with Darussalam Police Station
February 3, 2015- 2 Arson cases in Comilla
February 13, 2015- Arson case in Khulna
February 17, 2015- Bomb attack (on Shipping Minister) case
January 25, 2016 – Sedition case
August 30, 2016- Case for celebrating ‘fake’ birthday
November 3, 2016- Case for ‘undermining national flag’
July 3, 2018- ACC filed Zia Orphanage Trust graft case.