Khaleda unlikely to visit Shaheed Minar


Ehsanul Haque Jasim :BNP Chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia may not go to the Central Shaheed Minar tonight to pay her respect to the Language martyrs, according to the Gulshan office sources. The sources said that flowers would, however, be placed on behalf of Khaleda Zia at the Shaheed Minar. A delegation on behalf of the BNP chairperson will go there in the midnight to place wreaths. The nation will observe the ‘International Mother Language Day’ and ‘Amar Ekushey’ tomorrow (Saturday) by holding various programmes. A large number of people will gather in the Shaheed Minar to pay respect to the Language martyrs from the first hour tonight. BNP insiders said that Khaleda Zia was optimistic about the success of the ongoing movement, and that is why she won’t leave the Gulshan office even on the Amar Ekushey as part of her strategy to continue the movement.BNP Vice-Chairman Begum Selima Rahman, who has been staying with Khaleda Zia in her office, on Thursday evening told The New Nation that the BNP chief had not taken any decision about going to the Shaheed Minar till now. Hinting at Khaleda Zia’s unwilling to go to the Shaheed Minar, she said, “The ongoing movement has to be upheld at any cost till the end. Khaleda Zia will take decision considering the situation.”  Khaleda Zia could not go to the Shaheed Minar in the first hour of the Amar Ekushey in 2014 due to police obstruction. “This year, police may not make any obstruction to go there. Rather, police will help Khaleda Zia to leave the office as part of the government’s strategy. If she leaves the office for placing wreathes at the Shaheed Minar, she won’t be able to return as the government may put the office under lock and key,” said a BNP leader.The Gulshan office was under lock and key for several days since January 5. Several sand-carrying trucks were also parked on two sides of the office. Police also vacated BNP’s Nayapaltan central office and put it under lock and key on January 3. The Nayapaltan office is still under lock and key. Khaleda Zia has already passed 48th consecutive day in her Gulshan office till Thursday. She has been staying there since January 3. Having failed to come out of the office to join a planned rally in the city on January 5, she announced the ongoing blockade programme. She had been kept confined in the office. Later, police withdrew the barricade from the office on January 19, but she did not come out of the office.The Gulshan office sources said that the BNP chief wanted a result from the ongoing countywide non-stop blockade. As part of her strategy to make the movement successful, she will stay in the office despite any pressure. A BNP leader said Khaleda Zia did not come out of the office even after the death of her son Arafat Rahman Koko last month. She bade last farewell to her son for the eternal rest from the office. 
