Khaleda to be arrested after warrants reach police station: PM


UNB, Dhaka :Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Wednesday said BNP chief Khaleda Zia will be arrested and her office will be searched as soon as the warrants reach Gulshan Police Station.”The moment the arrest and search warrants will reach Gulshan Police Station, steps will be taken to arrest her and search her office,” she said.The Prime Minister said this while responding to supplementary questions from MA Awal, AFM Bahauddin Nasim and Shafiqul Islam Shimul during the PM’s question-answer session in Parliament.”This is just a matte of time, the day is not far away,” she said regarding Khaleda Zia’s arrest and her office search.In this connection, Sheikh Hasina said the people of the country also want this. “Whatever people want that will happen,” she added.She said, the court issued these orders, and the law-enforcement agencies will execute those according to the law. “Her (Khaleda) office should be searched, this is urgently needed because she is staying at her office leaving her home…this is a mystery,” Hasina said adding that the law will take its own course and no body is above the law.”The orders came from the court, the government and the law-enforcement agencies will act as per that and steps will be taken,” she told the House.She reiterated her firm commitment to bring all the culprits engaged in playing game with people’s lives. “The BNP chief is no longer a political leader… she has turned into a militant leader. It seems she wants to establish a militant rule in the country and that’s why she is burning people, destroying the property of people, and it’s her only job now.”The Prime Minister reiterated that there will be no room for militants in the country and people also do not want that.Responding to a starred question from MA Awal, Hasina said the demands Khaleda Zia placed was just for herself and her son. “She doesn’t think about the welfare of people and their demands. That’s why people don’t support her at all.”The Prime Minister said if the law-enforcement agencies had not taken proper steps people would have ousted her from Gulshan office long ago.Hasina it is the responsibility of the government to uphold the laws of the land.
