Khaleda stunned Violation of civil and HR


Staff Reporter :BNP chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia has termed the government’s latest move to stop the utility services to her Gulshan office as ‘cruel and the worst behaviour of the government’.Strongly condemning the move, she said, “I am shocked and stunned. I have lost my words to give any reaction to such incidents.” She said this about severing the electricity, Internet, cable, land and mobile phone connections to at her office. The BNP chief’s press secretary Maruf Kamal Khan told the reporters that Khaleda Zia expressed her reaction while talking to party leaders, activists and family members at her office in the afternoon.Lambasting the authorities for the actions, she said that a civil government can’t do this. “I have passed a sleepless night with my two daughters-in-law following disconnection of the power line. It is an unprecedented incident and beyond all norms of civilised behaviour. It is beyond the imagination in a civil society,” she said.She also said that cutting off power, Internet and cable lines without any notice is violation of civil and human rights. “This time the government has set an example which is worse than all it had done centering my Gulshan residence ahead of December 29 in 2013,” said Khaleda Zia.
