Khaleda returns from London Reception at HSIA


Staff Reporter :BNP Chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia has returned home from London after over two months.The former prime minister left the Heathrow Airport of the United Kingdom (UK) by an Emirates Airlines flight at 10:30 pm (local time) on Friday. She landed at the Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport in Dhaka after 5:00 pm on Saturday. Several thousand leaders and activists of the BNP and its front bodies gathered at the airport area to accord reception to their party chief. BNP senior leaders Barrister Moudud Ahmed, Goyeshwar Chandra Roy, Shah Moazzem Hossain, Abdullah-al-Noman, Chowdhury Kamal Ibne Yusuf, Altaf Hossain Chowdhury, Dr M Osman Faruk, Advocate Khandker Mahbub Hossain, Advocate Ahmed Azam Khan, Dr Asaduzzaman Ripon and other leaders were also present. However, they were not allowed to enter the airport. The party leaders and activists alleged that they faced obstruction from the ruling party men at different places on the way to the airport. Awami League men took position at Khilkhet and several other points near the airport.  Huge members of law enforcing agencies were deployed in and around the airport. The BNP earlier sought proper security from police authorities.The party had expressed worries about safety of the BNP chief. It sent the copies of a letter to the Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) Commissioner, the Deputy Police Commissioner of Uttara and Officer-in-Charge of Airport Police Station seeking adequate security for Khaleda Zia.Earlier on Friday, BNP’s spokesman Dr Asaduzzaman Ripon also demanded adequate security for Khaleda Zia on her return home following deterioration of law and order situation in the country. Dr Ripon also said that the BNP chief took decision to come back from the UK without completing her treatment considering the ‘critical political crisis’ in the country.Khaleda Zia left the country for London on September 15 for treatment of her eyes and to celebrate the Eid-ul-Azha with family members. Soon after her departure, BNP said that Khaleda Zia had gone there for two weeks only.The BNP Chairperson, however, delayed her return, triggering various speculations. She also postponed her homecoming date for at least eight times. 
