Khaleda not yet given Divn

Pro- BNP lawyers including Moudud Ahmed , Jamiruddin Sirkar, Khandker Mahbub Hossain , former AG Mohammad Ali went to old Dhaka central jail to see Khaleda Zia on Saturday.
Pro- BNP lawyers including Moudud Ahmed , Jamiruddin Sirkar, Khandker Mahbub Hossain , former AG Mohammad Ali went to old Dhaka central jail to see Khaleda Zia on Saturday.
Staff Reporter :
BNP Chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia has been kept in the jail as an ordinary prisoner ignoring jail code, alleges her lawyer and senior leader of the party Barrister Moudud Ahmed.
“Begum Khaleda Zia is being treated as an ordinary prisoner despite deserving division privilege in at least three out of 18 categories of the revised jail code,” Moudud Ahmed told the journalists after meeting the BNP chief at the former Dhaka Central Jail complex on the Nazimuddin Road.
Moudud Ahmed said, “The former Prime Minister Khaleda Zia is deliberately kept in solitary confinement simply to harass her. It is against the Constitution.”
Earlier, five senior lawyers of Khaleda Zia met her to discuss legal issues and necessary authorisation.
BNP standing committee members and lawyers Moudud Ahmed and Jamiruddin Sircar, BNP chairperson’s Adviser Khondkar Mahbub Hossain, former Attorney General AJ Mohammad Ali and lawyer Abdur Rezzak Khan reached the jail gate at around 3:00pm and entered the jail at around 4:25pm. They came out of the jail at around 5:45pm.
Moudud said, the government claims that Khaleda has been given an assistant in the jail, but in reality she is alone there and the foods served to her are inedible.
The jail authority did not give her home cooked foods, he added. The senior lawyer said, “Khaleda Zia cannot move alone as she had a major surgery in her knee. We will go to the High Court and if necessary to the home ministry on the issues.”
Replying a query, Moudud said, “There is no need to contact the jail authorities on this issue. Division privilege is supposed to begin automatically. It is totally clear in law that what would take place.” He said, “Actually the government is doing all these to irritate the former Prime Minister.”
To another query, he said if the copy of the verdict is available on Sunday, they might file appeal against the trial on the day. The lawyers said that Khaleda’s morale was high comparing the past and her health is sound.