Khaleda not shown arrested in any other case: Asad


Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal on Tuesday said that BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia was sentenced in Zia Orphanage Trust case and “she has not been shown arrested” in any other cases.
Replying to the quarry of reporters about Khaleda’s arrest at the secretariat, the minister said “Wrong information has been spread in this regard; Khaleda Zia is shown arrested in the graft case after being convicted by the court.”
“She (Khaleda) is also facing trials of Barapukuria coalmineand Gatco graft case. She will appear before the court during the hearing of these cases,” he added.
The home minister came up with the remarks as earlier on Monday some media reported that Khaleda was shown arrested in several cases.
Answering a quarry of journalists about ‘why the BNP chief was kept in the abandoned jail in Dhaka’, Home Minister said “It was decided for convenience, Kashimpur jail is far away from Dhaka and it has lots of prisoners which could trigger difficulties. Also there is no female ward in Keraniganj central jail.”
“Khaleda Zia is an ex-Prime Minister and she has a social status. Considering everything she was kept in Dhaka,” he added.
