Khaleda lost strength to stand again: PM

UNB, Dhaka :
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Friday said Khaleda Zia has no more strength to stand again as she has extremely failed in her hartal and blockade in the name of movement.
“She (Khaleda) has failed extremely and she has no strength to stand again due to her such failure …they (BNP-Jamaat) have failed and they would never succeed,” she said.
All have turned back to the BNP chief, Hasina said adding, “To whom she (Khaleda) will now set her face?”
The Prime Minister was addressing a discussion meeting marking the Independence and National Day held at the Krishibid Institution Auditorium in the city. AL chief Sheikh Hasina presided over the meeting organised by Bangladesh Awami League.
The Awami League chief said if the BNP top leader has the common sense, then she might have got the right message continuing her so-called hartal and blockade for the last 81 days.
Continuing her scathing attack on the BNP chief, Hasina said Khaleda has proved herself a cohort of the Pakistani occupation forces by not paying respect to the language martyrs on February 21 and not paying tributes to the war heroes in Savar on the Independence Day.
Hasina said, the extent of work that Almighty Allah has bestowed upon her, she would continue to accomplish it until the country’s people get a better life and living.
“I believe, one day we’ll have to die. So, I don’t fear death. Khaleda has no strength to deter me from serving the people of my country,” she added.
“Attacks were made on me in the past and there might be in the future……but we’ve to move ahead,” she said.
The Prime Minister said when her government was taking the country ahead towards development over the last one year after the January-5 polls, Khaleda Zia along with Jamaat unleashed destructive acts across the country and are killing people like the Pakistani forces did in 1971.
Hasina also renewed her vow to reach the benefits of the war of independence to the doorsteps of the common people, executing the verdicts of the war crimes trial one after another and thus place Bangladesh into a dignified position in global arena.
Describing again the BNP-Jamaat as destructive force, the Prime Minister alleged that they were the cohorts of the defeated Pakistani forces in 1971 and they did not want the independence of Bangladesh.
“They never want welfare of the country’s people. So they’re burning people to death, unleashing militancy and hurling bombs and petrol bombs….they want to push the country towards darkness. Insha Allah, no one would be able to play ‘ducks and drakes’ with the fate of the country’s people,” added Hasina.
Taking a swipe at those conscious, learned and intellectuals of the country who are supporting and standing in favour of the BNP-Jamaat although they are unleashing destructive acts across the country and have committed genocide, Hasina said, “How they could support BNP-Jamaat and stand in favour of them? How they could cast their votes for them? …It’s not at all understandable to me.”
She further said, “If they’ve any such humanity, then they might have leave their association with the BNP-Jamaat as the BNP-Jamaat are now carrying out complete militant acts.”
The Prime Minister also questioned those who are talking now in favour of the BNP-Jamaat, as they have ever enquired about the conditions of those sustained burn injuries and got killed.
“Their (learned, conscious and intellectual) humanity emerge and they become vocal as they care much about the human rights of the killers. Why such thing would happen and what kind of politics is this?” She added.
Noting that the people of Bangladesh want peace, the Prime Minister asserted that there would be no place for militancy on Bangladesh soil.