Khaleda has two more blockages in arteries She is under 72-hrs observation


Staff Reporter :
BNP Chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia has been kept under a close observation for 72 hours as physicians found two more blockages and some other complications in her heart.
Three blockages were found inside the BNP chairperson’s heart through a coronary angiogram test on Saturday as per the advice of the medical board formed at Evercare Hospital for her treatment
Khaleda’s physician Dr AZM Zahid Hossain told journalists on Sunday.
Meanwhile, BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir has warned the government that the consequences will be dire if any untoward incident happens to Khaleda Zia.
“I want to say that the government has to take the responsibility. The people of this country will not forgive you (government) if any mishap happens. The patriotic people of the country will drag you from power,” Fakhrul said while addressing a rally in the capital organized by North and South Mohanagr BNP for Khaleda’s release and proper treatment.
He further said, “What I clearly want to say is that our last word is to release Begum Khaleda Zia immediately and send her abroad for advanced treatment. Otherwise you have to shoulder the responsibilities.”
Khaleda, a former prime minister, has been suffering from various ailments, including liver cirrhosis, arthritis, diabetes, kidney, lung and eye problems.
Zahid said Khaleda Zia suffered a heart attack due to around a 95 percent blockage in her left side artery. “A stent has been placed there by removing the blockage.”
He said doctors are unwilling to make any comment on her current health condition until 72 hours are passed. “She has been now there at CCU under close observation of the doctors,” he said.
About two other blockages, Zahid said doctors will take proper measures in this regard after observing her condition as she has chronic kidney and liver problems. He said the medicines that are required to remove the two other blockages may further damage her kidneys.
Zahid, also a BNP vice-chairman, said that no family members and BNP leaders were being allowed to visit her now.
He urged the country’s people to pray for speedy recovery of the BNP chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia.
Earlier, Khaleda Zia was admitted to Evercare Hospital in the capital in the early hours of Saturday as she suddenly fell ill.
The 76-year-old was last admitted to Evercare on November 13 last year where she was diagnosed with liver cirrhosis.
On February 1, Khaleda returned home after an 81-day stay at the hospital as she was suffering from internal bleeding caused by liver cirrhosis.
The former Prime Minister was sent to the Old Dhaka Central Jail as a lower court sentenced her to five years’ imprisonment in the Zia Orphanage Trust corruption case on February 8, 2018.
