Khaleda greets Suu Kyi for victory

UNB, Dhaka :
Greeting democracy figurehead Aung San Suu Kyi’s party National League for Democracy for its unofficial victory in Myanmar general election, BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia on Monday hoped that the Bangladesh government will also take steps for free and fair polls here.
In a statement, the BNP chief, now in London, said, “I believe a new phase of democracy will be initiated
in Myanmar with this election as people there had long been on a movement for establishing democracy.”
She further said, “I’m delighted knowing that Myanmar’s ruling party accepted people’s verdict and showed respect for it. People’s verdict reflects if they can cast their votes in a free and fair manner.”
Mentioning that her party and other opposition parties have long been on a ‘peaceful’ movement for a fair election to restore democracy, Khaleda said it is now imperative to hold a fair and inclusive election here to overcome the crisis created for absence of democracy.
“I still hope the current regime in Bangladesh, assumed power snatching people’s voting rights and without vote, will take an initiative to remove all obstacles to arranging a fair election so that people can give their verdict,” she observed.
Political parties should have the mentality for accepting people’s election, the BNP chief said adding that no autocratic regime in the world could be benefited by hanging onto power through repressive acts. “I believe the ruling party in Bangladesh will be able to realise this fact.”
Myanmar’s ruling party conceded defeat in the country’s national election on Monday as the opposition, led by Aung San Suu Kyi, heading for a landslide victory.