Khaleda for giving shelter to fleeing Rohingyas

UNB, Dhaka :
BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia on Sunday called upon the government to give shelter to Myanmar’s displaced Rohingya people ‘as much as possible’ on humanitarian ground as they are facing a genocide and brutalities in their own homeland.
In statement, she also called upon the international community, neighbouring and Muslim countries and the Bangladesh government to make strong diplomatic efforts so that the Rohingya people can permanently live in their own country with security and all civic rights
returning there. “The genocide and brutality being carried against Myanmar’s Rohingya people always touched Bangladesh as its closet neighbouring country. Many Rohingya refugees have long been staying in our country which is densely populated and witnessing shrink in livable land. We’re also facing various social problems for it,” Khaleda said. She further said, “Despite that, I call upon the authorities concerned to give the Rohingya refugees shelter as much as possible on humanitarian ground to save their lives as we’re the nation attained our independence struggling against genocide.”
The BNP chief said she is deeply shocked and worried over the brutal and planned genocide by the Myanmar’s government forces against Rohingya people. “People having conscience are stunned and shocked over such heinous eradication drive against a minority community. “I’ve no suitable words to denounce such brutal acts.”