Khaleda falls further sick in insect bites: BNP

Staff Reporter :
The BNP on Wednesday claimed that the party’s Chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia had fallen further sick on account of insect bites in her cell of the old central jail on the Nazimuddin Road in the capital.
“The cell in the abandoned jail is not habitable for a human being, but for insects. Our leader has become sick further due to bites by those insects. In her hands and shoulders there are severe pain,” said BNP Senior Joint-Secretary General Ruhul Kabir Rizvi in a press briefing at the party’s Nayapaltan central office in the city.
Rizvi said that Khaleda Zia’s close relatives went to meet her on Tuesday and they saw that she was suffering from severe pain in her neck and her left hand.
The BNP leader said, the cell is entirely unhealthy and Khaleda Zia has been suffering from cold and other health complexities.
He also alleged that the government was not taking any step for the BNP chief’s treatment ignoring BNP’s repeated demand for treating her in a specialized hospital.
 “Even the jail authority ignored government formed medical boards’ recommendations regarding Khaleda Zia’s treatment. She was denied a bed for her Orthopedics treatment in hospital,” Rizvi said.
The party’s central leader Abdus Salam Azad, Taiful Islam Tipu, Munir Hossain and Belal Ahmed were present in the briefing.