Khaleda deplores Moudud’s eviction

UNB, Dhaka :
Criticising the government for evicting her party leader Moudud Ahmed from his Gulshan residence, BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia on Wednesday said people will one day evict ruling party men from their houses the same way.
“Moudud Ahmed was driven out to the street from the house he had been residing for over 30 years. I was also removed with one cloth from the house I had lived for 40 years,” she said.
Speaking at an iftar party she further said, “People have seen how they (AL men) grabbed houses. So, people will one day evict them from their houses with one cloth. They’re thinking they’ll stay fine, but people won’t let it happen.
Association of Engineers, Bangladesh arranged the party at Bashundhara International Convention Centre.
Earlier in the day, Rajdhahi Unnayan Kartripakkha (Rajuk) on Wednesday took over BNP standing committee member Moudud Ahmed’s Gulshan house following a court order.
On Sunday, the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court dismissed two petitions filed seeking a review against the SC verdict that scrapped Moudud’s possession of a house at holding No 159 in Gulshan-2 area of the capital.
Khaleda said, her party men are now helpless as they do not get justice from the court though they are being oppressed and harassed.
She said the lower court now acts as per the government’s direction. “The lower court is now completely under government control.”
The BNP chief said Awami League has been in power by force using police and different government agencies.
She said though the country’s people have been passing through a critical time for the soaring prices of essentials and lack of jobs, the government has no attention to mitigate their sufferings.
About the proposed budget for fiscal 2017-18, Khaleda said the ruling party men will be benefited by the budget while the common people will be badly affected.
Claiming that the country’s people want a change in power, she said the next election must be held under a non-party administration to establish a pro-people government.
“The election must not be held under Hasina. All political parties will not join the election if it is held under her. The Election Commission won’t be able to work neutrally under her. That’s why it is necessary to arrange the election ousting Hasina,” the BNP chief said.
Khaleda also urged the Election Commission to work neutrally for holding a fair election as per people’s hopes and aspirations.
BNP secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir, standing committee members Mosharraf Hossain, Amir Khasru Mahmud Chowdhury, vice chairmen Selima Rahman, advocate Khandaker Mahbub Hossian, Ahmed Azam Khan, Prof Abdul Mannan and Dr AZM Zahid, among others, attended the programme.