Khaleda condoles Nurjahan’s death

UNB, Dhaka :
BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia on Monday expressed profound shock at the death of Nurjahan Begum, editor of the country’s first illustrated women’s weekly ‘Begum’.
In a condolence message, she said Nurjahan Begum through the weekly magazine inspired women to acquire knowledge and involve in writing and cultural activities. “Begum has long been working as a torchbearer for the country’s women.”
“Nurjahan Begum had turned herself into an institution. She’ll remain as an example to follow by all generations,” the BNP chief added. Khaleda prayed for salvation of the departed soul and conveyed her deep sympathy to Nurjahan Begum’s bereaved family members.
In another condolence message, BNP secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir also mourned her demise.
Nurjahan Begum, who had been on life support at the Square Hospital since May 7, breathed her last there in the morning at the age of 91.