Khaleda avoids party leaders in UK

Reza Mahmud :
BNP Chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia is reportedly avoiding her party leaders in the UK though some of them have gone there physically. The party Chief is now staying in London for treatment.
The leaders who want to get party’s nomination to contest in the next Parliament polls and those who want desired posts in the party and its associate bodies are lobbying. Some of them have gone to the UK and some appointed lobbyists from among the expatriate leaders in UK and other European countries.
But both the groups failed to reach the party chief.
 “The BNP chief did not meet them. She is staying with her son and party’s Senior Vice-Chairman Tarique Rahman, son’s wife and grand children. In this circumstances, the appointment seekers became disappointed,” said a pro-BNP intellectual leader now staying in London, preferring anonymity.
He said, the leaders who failed to meet Khaleda Zia expressed their frustrations to him and other senior BNP leaders who went to the UK to join a seminar in the British Parliament.
 “Several leaders told me that a group of leaders had gone to London in order
to meet the party chief Khaleda Zia for getting the desired posts in the party. But I think the leaders had easy access to the party chief in Dhaka,” said BNP Standing Committee Member Dr. Khandakar Mosharraf Hossain to The New Nation.
Sources said a prominent business leader who joined the BNP several years ago is now staying in London to meet the party chief.
Another young leader of the party who was a BNP nominated candidate in the city corporation election is also in London for the same reason. But both failed.
Insiders said that Khaleda Zia is annoyed with party leaders lobbying business. She expressed her anger and said that the leaders should work to strengthen the party. Whenever she goes abroad, a section of leaders follow her. It is not acceptable to her.
The party chief said, when she goes anywhere for taking treatment, the lobbyists pursue there.
When asked, a senior leader of the party said the leaders aspire better posts.
If any of them meets the Chairperson in her Gulshan office or residence, some how the opponent leaders get details of the meeting. But at abroad, it may not be possible. That is why they choose to meet the top leader abroad.
 “In London, it is more special because of the presence of the party’s most influential leader Tarique Rahman,” said the leader.
On September16, 2015, Khaleda Zia went to London for the same purpose and stayed for 40 days there.
Many aspirants met Khaleda Zia in London. But others expressed their objections to the Chairperson after her return. “It may be the reason why the Chairperson ignores all leaders now,” said a senior leader.