Chance to reorganise BNP: Khaleda asks leaders to join polls

Ehsanul Haque Jasim :
The BNP has taken the country’s first ever party-basis municipal polls to be held on December 30 seriously in order to instill confidence into its inactive and disheartened leaders and activists.
With this view, BNP Chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia has asked the party’s senior leaders to take part in the campaign actively in the field for the BNP-nominated mayor candidates across the country, sources said.
Talking to The New Nation, some BNP leaders on Thursday said, the municipal election has given them great chance to reorganise the party and invigorate its dispirited leaders and activists. Khaleda Zia is also working in this regard, they said.
Many BNP leaders and activists think if senior leaders visit municipalities and take part in election campaign, then the district and upazila level leaders and workers will regain courage to return to their areas and take part in the election campaign.
The BNP chief and other senior leaders of the party believe that they will get majority seats if they can overcome the ‘unfavorable situation’.
So, Khaleda Zia is discussing the issue with party’s senior leaders and taking opinions from them to finalize the strategies.
The BNP Chairperson sat with members of the Standing Committee, the party’s highest policy-making body, at her Gulshan office on Thursday night to discuss the municipal polls and other issues. The meeting began at about 8:45 PM and it was continuing fill filing of the report at about 10:00 PM.
She will also hold meeting with the party’s vice chairmen and organising secretaries tomorrow (Saturday).
The Thursday’s meeting sources said, the policy makers of the BNP were discussing strategies of the BNP about the municipal polls. Some of them suggested their chief to be in the election race until the last minute whatever may be the results. Khaleda Zia may accept the suggestion as part of strategy.
Sources said, the BNP chief would form 19 teams, each under a senior leader of the party, to work for the party and its candidates. The teams will also work to woo the party’s rebel candidates.
BNP Joint-Secretary Mohammad Shahjahan said that they had taken the municipal election as a challenge. “We have joined the polls as part of our movement strategy. We will fight until the end. The senior leaders will carry out polls campaign in the field for our candidates and motivate our party men,” he said.
He also said that Khaleda Zia would form several teams with central and senior leaders to work for their candidates in all municipalities.
He repeats the BNP’s allegation that many of their leaders and activists are still on the run in fear of arrest and harassment. Even the candidates in many places can’t go to field. “If the election is held in free and fair atmosphere, the BNP’s candidates will win,” he said.