Kerry due in Dhaka ahead of Biden’s Leaders Summit


US President Joe Biden’s Special Envoy for Climate John Kerry is coming to Dhaka for consultations on climate ambition ahead of Biden’s?Leaders?Summit on Climate and the?26th?Conference of the Parties or COP26.
The US Department of State announced his visit in a statement on Thursday, saying he will also travel to Abdu Dhabi and New Delhi during the trip from Apr 1 to 9.
Biden’s?Leaders?Summit on Climate is scheduled to be held on Apr 22-23 while COP26 to the?United Nations?Framework Convention on Climate
Change?will be hosted by Glasgow from Nov 1 to 12 under the presidency of the UK.
“Looking forward to meaningful discussions with friends in the Emirates, India, and Bangladesh on how to tackle the climate crisis. #RoadToGlasgow,” Kerry wrote on Twitter.
A former secretary of state, Kerry had said COP26 might be “our last chance to hit the target” and promised firm engagement of the US to achieve it during a phone conversation with Foreign Minister AK Abdul Momen in January.
