Kerry defends Israel before UN rights panel

AP, Geneva :
US Secretary of State John Kerry on Monday delivered a vigorous defense of Israel before the UN Human Rights Council, urging its members to end what the United States says is its unfair and biased focus on the Jewish State that could undermine its credibility. His remarks came as the Obama administration attempts to blunt complaints that it has not been strong enough in its support for Israel, criticism now centered on its pursuit of a nuclear deal with Iran.
Even as a bitter US-Israel dispute over a possible Iran deal was expected to heat up in Washington later Monday, Kerry affirmed America’s steadfast commitment to its top Mideast ally and called on the council to take a more balanced approach toward Israel. The council frequently targets Israel for criticism in resolutions and investigations, notably over military action it has taken against Palestinian militants in Gaza. A new report commissioned by the council about last year’s Gaza war is expected to be released later this month.
In a speech denouncing rights abuses in places like Syria, North Korea and Ukraine, Kerry spent several minutes on what he called the council’s “deeply concerning record on Israel.”
“No one in this room can deny that there is an unbalanced focus on one democratic country,” he said, decrying the fact that no country other than Israel has a permanent agenda item on the council’s
schedule. “The (council’s) obsession with Israel actually risks undermining the credibility of the entire organization.”
Kerry and other U.S, officials have said the Obama administration’s commitment to Israel’s defense is unbreakable. On Sunday, and again at the council on Monday, Kerry noted the administration has intervened to protect Israel from condemnation at the United Nations and other international forums several hundred times in the last two years. And he reiterated that pledge, saying the US would continue to oppose any attempt to “delegitimize” or otherwise unfairly target Israel in any part of the UN system.
Kerry’s speech to the council was the first of several addresses on Monday that focus on the US-Israel relationship. Later Monday in Washington, the US Ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power, and President Barack Obama’s national security adviser, Susan Rice, as well as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, are to speak to America’s leading pro-Israel lobby. Netanyahu on Tuesday is to deliver a speech to a joint session of Congress, warning about the threat posed by Iran and arguing against a nuclear agreement that may result from the current negotiations.
Shortly after his speech in Geneva, Kerry was to resume nuclear negotiations with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in the Swiss city of Montreux.