Kerry and Javad, the odd couple who struck the Iran deal

US Secretary of State John Kerry (L) and Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif shake hands prior to a bilateral meeting of the closed-door nuclear talks with Iran at the Palais Coburg in Vienna .
US Secretary of State John Kerry (L) and Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif shake hands prior to a bilateral meeting of the closed-door nuclear talks with Iran at the Palais Coburg in Vienna .

AFP, Vienna :At first glance, a loyal supporter of Iran’s Islamic revolution and a Democratic ex-senator have little in common. Yet against the odds, John Kerry and Mohammad Javad Zarif have blazed their way into history.The tall, lanky American secretary of state, in his expensive tailored suits towers over his shorter, stouter Iranian counterpart, Zarif, in his traditional collarless shirts when they gather for choreographed pictures.But over months of risky, roller-coaster negotiations to strike an unprecedented nuclear non-proliferation agreement, they have both proved to be steely and at times wily rivals. Even Kerry’s broken leg has failed to slow him down.They are on first name terms, calling each other John and Javad.And while occasionally they share a joke, the relationship remains business-like, though tinged with obvious respect.That’s perhaps no surprise, given their countries have not had diplomatic ties for more than three decades, and remain at odds over a slew of weighty issues, including Tehran’s alleged support for Middle East terror groups.But it seems John and Javad were the right men for the right season, brought together as the world sought to end rising concerns about Iran’s nuclear ambitions.Already there has been speculation of a possible Nobel peace prize nomination. The deal sealed on Tuesday to curb Iran’s nuclear programme will only increase such speculation.Zarif, 55, was appointed foreign minister by President Hassan Rouhani in September 2013, and was quickly tasked with resuming the nuclear talks with a clear mandate to end the crippling sanctions against his country.A fluent English speaker with a PhD in international law from the University of Denver, he is a veteran loyalist of the Islamic revolution that toppled the shah in 1979.At the start of the talks it was Zarif who had the distinctive advantage, having already spent 20 years as a diplomat at the United Nations, where he was also Iran’s ambassador from 2002-2007.American officials on the other hand had had little contact with Iranian counterparts since ties were snapped, although as a senator Kerry, 71, was part of secret US talks in Oman in 2012 to explore the possibility of reopening talks.Describing Zarif as “brilliant”, Iran expert Suzanne Maloney said “he has the ability to sell policies that are fundamentally problematic from the American point of view, in a way that comes off as completely persuasive and appealing.””It’s a misunderstanding to believe that he is somehow more American than he is Iranian,” the Brookings Institution expert cautioned.”He’s very much a creature of the Islamic republic, and it’s not accidental that he’s managed to gain a very high-level position at a crucial time.”But Zarif’s long stint in the US earned him the hostility of the ultraconservative camps and he was sacked by incoming hardline president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.After six years in academia, Rouhani brought him back to the political fore, offering the promise of rehabilitation.
