Kenya shocked, defiant after Shebab massacre 147 at university

Students evacuated from Moi University during a terrorist siege gather together in Garissa on Friday.
Students evacuated from Moi University during a terrorist siege gather together in Garissa on Friday.

AFP, Garissa :Grieving relatives were Friday searching for news or the remains of their loved ones after Somalia’s Shebab Islamists massacred 147 in a university in northeastern Kenya. The day-long siege of Garissa University was Kenya’s deadliest attack since the 1998 US embassy bombings and the biggest ever by the Al-Qaeda-affiliated militants, although the Kenyan government vowed it would not be “intimidated”.Survivors recounted how the gunmen from Somalia’s Shebab fighters taunted students before killing them, including forcing them to call their parents to urge them to call for Kenyan troops to leave Somalia — before then still shooting them.As the gunmen prowled the university rooms hunting down more people to kill, some students smeared blood from their dead friends over their bodies to pretend they too had been shot.The day-long seige ended with all four of the gunmen detonating suicide vests in a hail of heavy gunfire. At least 79 people were also wounded in the attack on the campus, which lies near the border with Somalia.On Friday, a huge crowd of traumatised and shocked survivors and relatives of those killed or missing gathered at the university gate.”I am so worried, I had a son who was among the students trapped inside the college, and since yesterday I have heard nothing,” said Habel Mutinda, an elderly man, his face streaming with tears.”I tried to identify his body among those killed… I have to do that before the body goes bad in the heat.. I have been camping overnight, it is really hard, it hurts.”Emergency workers set about collecting the bodies, while Kenyan soldiers patrolled the campus.Visiting the scene of the carnage, Kenya’s Interior Minister Joseph Nkaissery vowed that the country would not bow to terrorist threats.”Kenya’s government will not be intimidated by the terrorists who have made killing innocent people a way to humiliate the government,” he told reporters, promising the government will “fight back”.”I am confident we shall win this war against our enemies.”Hurling grenades and firing automatic rifles, the gunmen had stormed the university at dawn as students were sleeping, shooting dead dozens before setting Muslims free and holding Christians and others hostage.In the final hour before darkness fell, Kenyan troops stormed a student dormitory where the gunmen were holed up as blasts and fierce gunfire rang out.
