Kenya beat Uganda 4-0 in friendly match

Agency :
Harambee Starlets flogged Uganda’s Crested Cranes by 4-0 margin in a friendly played at Moi Stadium in Kisumu on Sunday.
Mary Kinuthia grabbed a brace while Wendy-Anne Achieng’ and Esse Akida scored one goal each to hand the Starlets that sweet victory.
Coach David Ouma opted to field his best squad for the friendly with Akinyi Samantha, who was in goal against Algeria in Kenya, starting between the sticks as Esse Akida, Tabaka Chacha, Neddy Atieno and AWCON qualifier goal scorer Cheris Avilia, combining upfront in search of goals.
His counterpart Majida Nantanda decided to go with experienced captain Wanyana Christine, Fufa Women league’s top scorer Nabweeteme Sandra alongside Denmark-based Natasha Shirazi. Contrast to expectations, the visitors started the match well and they could have gone ahead in the third minute thanks to defensive lapses. The hosts were clearly superior in the match scoring one goal in the first half and three more in the second half. Captain Mary Kinuthia was the first to get into the scores-chart in the 16th minute before Wendy doubled the score-line two minutes from the breather. Kinuthia made use of a created chance eleven minutes later to complete her brace silencing the visitors. Esse Akida then grabbed her share on the 80th minute to wrap-up the match.
In the second half, coach Ouma brought in Ann Aluoch and Christine Nafula in place of Tabaka Chacha and Carolyn Achieng’, and the match was reduced to a one sided affair as Starlets continued dominating, save for individual brilliance by opposite number Nabweeteme Sandara and substitute Namuleme Zaina, who tried to lead Cresten Cranes from the front.
However, it was the hosts, who added the third courtesy of Kinuthia. Wendy played a long ball to Esse Akida, who did well to leave three defenders for dead, before goalkeeper Ruth fouled him to give away a penalty.
Ten minutes later it was four as the scorer turned provider to Akida, who composed himself before burying it deep past the on rushing custodian. Coach David Ouma was impressed with the game and said more is yet to come from the side. “I am happy with the result, I will go work on a few things but for sure we are going places.”
Kenya was using the encounter as preparatory measure ahead of the CITIF tournament scheduled for July in Spain.They will thereafter engage three Women Bundesliga outfits in Germany ahead of their November’s AWCON duties in Cameroon.
