PM to people: Keep up support against militancy

UNB, Dhaka :
Asserting that no one will be able to ‘vanish’ Awami League, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Thursday urged all to keep up their support for her government by playing their due role against terrorism and militancy to establish peace in the country.
“I urge each and every leader and worker of Awami League and its associate bodies and the country’s people to keep supporting the government for establishing peace,” said Hasina, also the Awami League president.
The Prime Minister was addressing a memorial meeting marking the ‘Jail Killing Day’ recalling the four national leaders held at Krishibid Institution in the city. Blasting the BNP chief for her role before and after the January-5 polls, Sheikh Hasina alleged that Khaleda Zia had tried to take revenge through burning people to death for three months in 2015 following their election boycott.
She said Khaleda then had vowed not to return to her home from her Gulshan office until the ouster of the government although she stayed there for 92 days. “But, Khaleda couldn’t succeed in her evil attempt as common people then resisted her. People will resist them (BNP) in the future as well.”
Newly elected General Secretary of AL Obaidul Quader made introductory remarks while AL Publicity Secretary Dr Hasan Mahmood and Deputy Publicity Secretary Aminul Islam conducted the memorial meeting.
The Prime Minister said anti-liberation forces had thought that they would be able to vanish the existence of AL through killing Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the four national leaders and scores of AL leaders and workers.
“But, the birth of this organisation (AL) was through advocating relentlessly about the rights of the people of Bangladesh…it’s not a party  
formed by an illegal power grabber. The root of AL is deep-rooted in Bangladesh and no one would be able to vanish it with thousands of attempts. Insha Allah no one would also be able to do so in the future,” she said. Coming down heavily on those who often say that Ziaur Rahman had restored democracy in the country, Hasina said there was curfew every night when Zia was in power. “Then Zia might have given ‘curfew democracy’, not that ‘people’s democracy.”
Terming Khondaker Mostaq as a traitor and another ‘Mirjafar’ for Bangladesh who first made Zia Army chief, Hasina said, “It makes it clear that Ziaur Rahman was also involved in the August 15 killings and there’s no doubt about it. Even the self-confessed killers also said in their interviews that they had connections with Zia and Zia had also signaled them.” She said the aim of the jail killings was to foil the spirit of the war of independence while the August 15 killings were amid at taking revenge against the victory of Bengalees in the war of independence. Alleging that the sprit of the War of Liberation so as the real history of the war of independence was distorted after the assassination of Bangabandhu, Sheikh Hasina said people now can know the real history of the Liberation War. Taking a swipe over the recent remarks of the BNP leaders for ensuring transparency in election, Hasina said BNP had held a voter-less election on February 15, 1996.
“Now the BNP leaders speak about transparency in election, but I’ll suggest them to look back in the history what Ziaur Rahman and Khaleda Zia had delivered….Ziaur Rahman had first initiated an undemocratic process in the country. So, when the BNP leaders talk about democracy, human rights, killings, secret killings, then I think they might not see their own faces in the mirror,” she said.
Saying that Khaleda Zia feels pain in her heart to see country’s development, Hasina said the BNP chief only thinks that she would only witness her development while there would be no development of the country.