Keep toddler healthy in winter

Life desk :
There’s no getting around it – colds and other illnesses are almost unavoidable during the winter.
There are lots of airborne viruses going around that are really easy to catch. Plus, people that are already ill tend to be contagious before symptoms show – so forget about keeping your child clear of anyone with a runny nose.
But don’t admit defeat just yet. From tweaking your toddler’s diet to altering his lifestyle ever so slightly, there are plenty of ways you can help protect him stay fighting fit all winter long.
1. Make sure your toddler has plenty of rest: Sleep. That blissful five-letter word will be the answer to your whole family’s healthcare woes this winter. If only you could persuade your toddler that he needs lots of it…
Keep him active during the day and help him unwind for bed (and sleep) with a great bath, book, bed routine. You never know you may even get a mini lie in – 7am is a late wake up, right?
2. Give your toddler lots to drink: You may not think that you need to drink as much in the winter because it’s not as hot, but your toddler needs lots of fluids to stay hydrated and full of energy.
Offer him plenty of water, instead of juice, as it’s the healthiest drink option.
3. Keep your toddler’s hands clean: Get your toddler into the habit of washing his hands regularly (particularly after going to the loo and before and after meals) and you’ll give him the best chance of keeping away cold and flu germs.
And don’t forget to wash yours frequently, too.
4. Get your toddler vaccinated: The flu vaccine is a brilliant way to help keep your tot healthy – and the new nasal spray immunisation, available for two to four year olds, makes the whole experience less stressful.
5. Boost your toddler’s vitamin d levels: Vitamin D, aka the sunshine vitamin, is extremely important for boosting your tot’s immune system. But it’s one vitamin that a lot of children tend to be lacking in.
 “Winter stores of this fat soluble vitamin tend to become depleted around the festive period so many health care practitioners are now suggesting a vitamin D3 supplement to see the little ones through the winter months until the sun shines strong again,” says nutritional therapist Natalie Lamb.
6. make sure your toddler has his five-a-day: We all know that plenty of fruit and veg is good for us – and this is even more true in the winter.
 “Nutrients such as zinc, vitamin C, vitamin E and selenium are well known for supporting the immune system, and eating a range of colourful fruits and vegetables should provide a mix of these, and other, nutrients,” says Natalie.
7. Serve your toddler three meals a day: Dishing up three wholesome meals each day is a great way to pack lots of goodness and nutrients into your toddler.
If you’ve got a fussy eater on your hands and are struggling to get your child interested in what’s on his plate, try getting him involved in the food prep.
 “Let him help out growing food in the garden or take him on farm visits to pick your own fruits and vegetables”.
 “Good quality protein sources such as meat, fish, eggs and legumes are the building blocks for many immune cells. Slow cooked soups and stews are delicious and believed to support a healthy gut lining where all the immune cells lie.”
8. Keep Your Toddler Warm: As well as dressing your toddler in plenty of layers, keep the house warm, too. An ideal temperature is between 16 and 21 degrees.
If you’re out and about and it’s cold, make sure your toddler wears a hat as we lose up to 30 per cent of our body heat through our heads.
9. Avoid giving your toddler too many sweet treats: If you want to reward your toddler for good behavior, steer clear of sweets and chocolates and offer him a healthier alternative. And no, we don’t mean a carrot stick.
 “Try making a deal with your child such as letting him choose a family game that evening, or doing something fun that weekend of his choice,” suggests.

