Keep market prices stable before Ramadan


LATEST reports published in national dailies show that the prices of meat and fish have phenomenally increased in the market before the start of the fasting month of Ramadan as dishonest traders are out to exploit the people during this month.
Market information shows beef are selling for Tk 400 per kg at the weekend on Friday, marking an increase of Tk 40 in last seven days alone. Bangladesh Meat Merchant Association has blamed insufficient supply of cattle-heads for the rise in prices. They said daily demand for beef stands now 12 tonnes but supply stands at less than six tonnes.
So also the price of broiler chickens are on the rise selling it at Tk 165 per kg compared to Tk 130 to 140 last month. Eggs are selling at Tk 32 per four pieces while local eggs are selling up to Tk 40 and 45 for four.
The fish market is also rising. Puti is selling at Tk 250 per kg, live Puti at Tk 400, Kholisa at Tk 300, Chapila at Tk 400, Koi at Tk 200, Fali Chanda (Rupchada) at Tk 1200, Chanda small at Tk 250. Prices of every fish item are on rise.
Meanwhile, imported garlic are selling at Tk 90 to 95 marking at least Tk 10 rise over the week-end. Locally produced ginger was selling at Tk 70 to 110 per kg based on quality but imported ginger saw a rise in prices.
There are two possible reasons for the current scenario. The annual Ramadan price hike could be contributing to the situation where greengrocers turn to unethical business tactics for making quick profits. Even though the situation comes as no surprise for us, the government has failed so far to take enough measures to curb price hike by curbing market manipulation. Not only the forthcoming Ramadan, another factor contributing to the high prices of food items in the market could be the recently proposed budget. It has imposed higher taxes on import of certain items, including food causing the market to move upward.
People watching the market suggested that the government should enhance the vigilance on the market to fail any unholy attempt by traders to raise prices of essentials at their will. Mobile courts must be at work while the government leaders must ask traders and importers to keep the supply in the market steady without attempting to create artificial crisis. Traders must realize that this is a month of sacrifice, not to cash windfall profit and they should show it to the nation. The government may also run market intervention drives using TCB and its open market sale operations at city cross-sections. It may work as a deterrent giving protection to the poor. 
