Iron ore found in Bangla Hili- Part 4: Keen visitors crowding the spot

Md Joynal Abedin Khan, back from Hili :
Thousands of people of different ages have been crowding to see the newly found iron ore mine at Isobpur in Dinajpur’s Bangla Hili area as the news about the mine got massive coverage in print, online and electronic media recently.
Bangla Hili has already turned into a crowed area due to huge movement of members of professional bodies, enthusiastic visitors and vendors.
The authorities concerned have hanged notice not to enter the mine site without permission with a view to continuing their works smoothly, but the eagerly visitors are showing indifferent attitude to such instruction.
The visitors and tourists are entering the site by breaking the bamboo-made fence.
Even nobody is aware of the authorities’ oral bar not to capture any picture in drilling works inside the boundary.
A good number of spectators were found gossiping among themselves over the country’s maiden discovery of iron ore, the fifth largest iron ore in the world.
They expressed satisfaction to observe the drilling works, situated inside the Bangla Hili, just 11 kilometers away from the border of two countries in Hakimpur upazila.
Locals also tried to show their level best hospitality to the visitors to earn the name and fame of Bangla Hili.
People of all strata of lives have prayed for positive reports over the tests so that the site can go into production after crossing all types of uncertainty.
They demanded acceleration of the drilling works of the Hili iron ore mine so that it can make a boom the country’s economy.
The experts termed the present situation of the iron ore mine in a primary level work. They said if all the process to go in right trucks then it would take time to run about six to ten years. But the locals are thinking only positive reports over the tests.
Dinajpur Contiuency-6 MP Shibly Sadik said that the Bangla Hili Iron Ore as the first iron mine in Bangladesh.
According to him, this project is not only the presence of an iron mine first in Bangladesh, it would likely be among the top 10 iron mines in the world.
Nabil Thapa, a visitor from Nepal, said, “I read a Bangladeshi daily and came here to see the fifth largest iron ore in Bangladesh but the test work is still in primary stage.”
Tamanna-e-Jannat, a visitor came from Nilphamari, told The New Nation on Friday, “I pray to Allah that Hili iron ore become the biggest iron ore in the world.”
Ayesha Siddika Suchi came from Khulan and said, she feel prod of the iron ore as it found in Bangla Hili.
Dinej Sharma, came from Indian Hili, said that they feel pleasure as any invention may role in the world’s development.
Dr Akram Hossain, inhabitant of Hakimpur’s Boigram, said that movement of vehicles has already increased in the upazila due to the visit of thousands of visitors.
Tania Lisa, a local vendor, said, “I have a great desire to show the highest hostility to the visitors by taking a nominal profit.”
Seeking anonymous, a geophysics expert and Deputy Director of Geological Survey of Bangladesh (GSB), told The New Nation on Friday, “We came here just for testing a technical side, mainly situation of experimental holes. Several teams of the GSB are checking and rechecking their concerned segment of the project.
“We think if the result comes into positive then it will take time more than ten years to go in production in full-swing,” said the expert..
“A fifty-member GSB team has been carrying out drilling operations at Hili Upazila’s Alihat Union since April 19 for a possible iron mine. We found iron ores at 1300 feet underground,” GSB Deputy Director General (Drilling Engineering) Mohammad Masum told New Nation on Friday.
He said that they found three iron ores amongst which 72 per cent is magnetite.
“The sub-surface samples that we collected showed presence of good quality iron ores,” the DD said.
Mohammad Masum said that if the iron is fit for commercial use, it would contribute greatly to the country’s economy.