Kazi Peyara brings fortune to farmers in Narsingdi


M.A.Awal Narsingdi :
Cultivation of Kazi peyara (Guava) has gained immense popularity among the farmers of the district as an important sources of income generation leading to economic self-reliance.
A number of marginal farmers mainly the reddish high lands of Shibpur ,Belabo, Ripura and Polash Upazilas of the district have been able to change their fate in the last few years by cultivating Kazi Peyara.
Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE) officials sources said Kazi Peyara variety cultivation has become popular in the district since 2000. Many people specially the unemployed educated youth getting training on agriculture involved themselves farming Kazi peyara in the high fellow land where water does not stay. Recently they have also farming Kazi Peyara in their homestead garden due to its economic aspect.
 Sapling of Kazi Peyara need a little spaces to grow up. Two Kazi Peyara sapling need minimum 10 to 12 feet space to grow fast. After plantation the sapling, the tree bloom within two or three years
Deputy Director DAE Narsindi Suvash Chandra Gayan told The New Nation that Kazi Peyara generally growing on high fallow land specially the homestead garden. There is an scope for more cultivation of this variety of peyara in the district. Soil properties and climatic condition of these areas are suitable for cultivating Kazi Peyara. Some 250to 300 sapling can be planted on per bigha of land which is produces an average of 300to 4maunds of Kazi Peyara per year. The fruit has more nutrition properties then that of common fruits.
Sylhet Correspondent adds: Guava growers of Sylhet district are unhappy over low price of the fruit as supply is ample in the local markets. Many farmers have become frustrated as they are not getting fair price from sale of the fruit in the local markets. Farmers here have cultivated guava commercially on around 85 hectares of land this year as it has proved profitable in the recent years in the district.
About 200 farmers have cultivated the fruit on 85 hectares of land in the district this year, Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE) office sources said. Price of this popular fruit remains unusually low in the local wholesale market. Presently, a maund of guava is being sold at Tk. 70 to Tk 80 in different markets of the district.
