Kazi Abul Manjur, Senior Executive Vice President Prime Islami Life Insurance Ltd (PILIL) and Khaledur Rahman Deawan, Chief Operating Officer of EBS Group, exchanging an agreement signing document at a city hotel recently. Rafiur Rahman Khan Yusufzai, Managing Director PILIL and Rajkumar Chakraborty, Senior Manager of EBS Group, among others, were also present.

Kazi Abul Manjur, Senior Executive Vice President Prime Islami Life Insurance Ltd (PILIL) and Khaledur Rahman Deawan, Chief Operating Officer of EBS Group, exchanging an agreement signing document at a city hotel recently. Rafiur Rahman Khan Yusufzai, Man
Kazi Abul Manjur, Senior Executive Vice President Prime Islami Life Insurance Ltd (PILIL) and Khaledur Rahman Deawan, Chief Operating Officer of EBS Group, exchanging an agreement signing document at a city hotel recently. Rafiur Rahman Khan Yusufzai, Man

