Kate Winslet regrets working with Woody Allen, Roman Polanski

Kate Winslet expressed her regrets about working with Woody Allen and Roman Polanski in a recent, candid interview with the Vanity Fair.
Roman Polasnki, director of Repulsion and The Rosemary’s Baby, pleaded guilty to having unlawful sex with a minor in 1977, and fled to France one year later. He received the Best Director award at the Cèsar Awards-the French equivalent of the Oscars, earlier this year. Woody Allen’s adopted daughter Dylan raised allegations against the director of sexually abusing her when she was 7, once again in 2018 against a backdrop of the #metoo movement.
The Titanic Star has worked with Polanski in Carnage (2011) and with Allen in Wonder Wheel (2017). In the interview, she said she still ‘grapples’ with regrets for starring in their films.
“It’s like, what the fuck was I doing working with Woody Allen and Roman Polanski? It’s unbelievable to me now how those men were held in such high regard, so widely in the film industry and for as long as they were. It’s fucking disgraceful. And I have to take responsibility for the fact that I worked with them both. I can’t turn back the clock. I’m grappling with those regrets but what do we have if we aren’t able to just be fucking truthful about all of it?”
However, in 2017, the actor vigorously defended her decision to collaborate with Allen at a time when the #metoo movement was yet to become more than a hashtag. “As the actor in the film, you just have to step away and say, I don’t know anything, really, and whether any of it is true or false. Having thought it all through, you put it to one side and just work with the person. Woody Allen is an incredible director. So is Roman Polanski. I had an extraordinary working experience with both of those men, and that’s the truth.”
Woody Allen, on the other hand, said to the Guardian about actors who previously worked with him and are now calling him out, “That’s how actors and actresses are, and [denouncing me] became the fashionable thing to do, like everybody suddenly eating kale.”
Meanwhile, the Annie Hall director, Allen is back with another romantic comedy this year, revolving around the San Sebastian Film Festival, where a married couple starts cheating on each other and questions the meaning of life, nature of reality and more.