Kamrul Hasan, Chief Operating Officer of Walkar Footwear (an RFL Group brand) inaugurating its two outlets at city’s Sayedabad and Postogola area on Wednesday. Shib Avra Chatterjee, Operational Manager, Syed Abdullah Al Arafat, Production Manager, Joheb Hasan, Product Development Manager and Mohsin Reza Begh, Retail Sales Manager of the company were also present.

Kamrul Hasan, Chief Operating Officer of Walkar Footwear (an RFL Group brand) inaugurating its two outlets at city's Sayedabad and Postogola area on Wednesday. Shib Avra Chatterjee, Operational Manager, Syed Abdullah Al Arafat, Production Manager, Joheb
Kamrul Hasan, Chief Operating Officer of Walkar Footwear (an RFL Group brand) inaugurating its two outlets at city's Sayedabad and Postogola area on Wednesday. Shib Avra Chatterjee, Operational Manager, Syed Abdullah Al Arafat, Production Manager, Joheb

