Kamal seeks more Saudi investment in Bangladesh

Economic Reporter :
Finance Minister AHM Mustafa Kamal on Monday sought more Saudi investment in Bangladesh as an investment-friendly environment is prevailing in the country with attractive stimulus. The Finance Minister made the call when the Ambassador of Saudi Arabia to Bangladesh Abdullah HM Al Mutairi met him at his ERD office. During the meeting, Kamal told the Saudi Ambassador that Bangladesh has the best investment-friendly environment in South Asia as attractive stimulus package are available in the country which is helpful to make a huge profit. “There is enough scope for making investment in the country’s promising sectors like power, solar energy, energy, telecommunications and ICT, petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, ship-building and agro-processing sectors,” he said.
Mentioning that the country has attained over 7 percent growth on average in the last 10 years with the latest 7.86 percent in the last fiscal year, the Finance Minister expressed his optimism that Bangladesh would be able to attain 8.25 percent GDP growth at the end of the current fiscal. He also cited that Bangladesh has dedicated human resources and need limited funds to start up businesses and has access to the large duty-free and quota-free markets.
Mentioning that the government is setting up 100 special economic zones across the country to spur economic growth, Kamal said that the government has allocated some 2,000 acres of land against a special economic zone dedicated for the Saudi investors, which they would be able to utilize as per their own demand.
He also noted that the bilateral trade between the two countries rose to $ one billion in the last fiscal year while scope is also there to boost this trade volume through maximizing the existing trade facilities of the two countries.
Praising highly the socio-economic development of Bangladesh over the last few years, the Saudi Ambassador expressed satisfaction over the existing bilateral relations between the two countries as dynamism has been infused in this relation in recent years.