Kalyan Party President Major Gen (Retd) Syed Ibrahim Birbikram, among others, at a discussion organized by Bangladesh Jatiyatabadi Muktijoddha Dal at the Jatiya Press Club on Wednesday with a call to stop extra-judicial killings and return BNP’s Joint Secretary General Salahuddin Ahmed to his family unhurt.

Kalyan Party President Major Gen (Retd) Syed Ibrahim Birbikram, among others, at a discussion organized by Bangladesh Jatiyatabadi Muktijoddha Dal at the Jatiya Press Club on Wednesday with a call to stop extra-judicial killings and return BNP's Joint Se
Kalyan Party President Major Gen (Retd) Syed Ibrahim Birbikram, among others, at a discussion organized by Bangladesh Jatiyatabadi Muktijoddha Dal at the Jatiya Press Club on Wednesday with a call to stop extra-judicial killings and return BNP's Joint Se
