Kafil vows for an environment and worker’s safety friendly factory


Economic Reporter :
M Kafil Uddin Ahmed, Managing Director of JFK Fashion Limited, wants fair environment and worker’s safety friendly factory. A successful entrepreneur in the country’s garment sector, M Kafil Uddin Ahmed is going to contest the post of director in the upcoming BGMEA elections with the ticket of Sammilita Parishad panel.
 “If elected, I want to play a role to build an eco-friendly factory. My dreams are also making all the companies environmental friendly similar to my own company JFK Fashion,” said Kafil Uddin. He also told that cost of electricity and water is less in environmental friendly factories. Carbon emissions are also low. Workers also get a better environment opportunity. In terms of the number of eco-friendly garment factories, other competing countries are not even close to Bangladesh. Although the companies themselves are branding the eco-friendly factories, the overall branding is not being done. But if that could be done, the image of Bangladesh’s garment industry would be brighter. The whole garment sector would be benefited. So he will work hard to ensure an environmental friendly factory. Kafil adds that he is working with the aim of making the crisis in the garment sector into zero.
He said that overcoming the existing crisis is the most important. For this, it is necessary to stop layoffs and create new employment opportunities, to uplift the image of the sustainable garment sector, improve product quality and diversification, there is no alternative to ensure the safety of environmental friendly factories and workers, added he.
“There is no alternative to focus on research, create innovative products and designs that have demand in the international market to take the garment industry forward”, said this successful garment industry entrepreneur.
According to him, more attention should be focused to increase exports to new markets. For this, relations with foreign buyers, government and media should be improved. He and the panel also have plans to make entrepreneurs more accountable and protect their interests.
M Kafil Uddin said, garment exports were $26 billion in the last fiscal year due to Corona various whereas the figure was $34 billion in previous year. In such a context, only effective strategies can increase exports. For this we have to take effective strategy. If exports increase, the demand for labor will also increase. Then there will be no more layoff.
It is to mention that M Kafil Uddin, Head of Rashid Group, formed around 12 industries and businesses where about ten thousand skilled workers and employees are working.
M Kafil Uddin is also serving as Organizing Secretary in the BGMEA, FBCCI, BARVIDA and also serving the Joint General Secretary of Bangladesh Auto-Bricks Manufacturing Owners Association, Bangladesh CNG and Filling Station Owners Association respectively. Besides, he is serving in various charitable, social and religious organizations.
