Juveniles working for justice, humanity at Raozan

A flock of juveniles spontaneously involved with the Desk Team of Central Boys of Raozan relentlessly working for the better interest of honesty, humanity and against all injustice.
A flock of juveniles spontaneously involved with the Desk Team of Central Boys of Raozan relentlessly working for the better interest of honesty, humanity and against all injustice.
Sarwaruddin , Chattogram Bureau :
Help Desk Team of Central Boys of Raozan (a non-political social organization) discharging their utmost responsibilities against early marriage, eve teasing, harassment , women repression, drugs addicts and trafficking and other criminal offenses at Raozan Upazila since long.
Central Boys of Raozan (CBR) is a well-known name and fame in the Upazila duly build up under the dynamic leadership of a juvenile social personality of Raozan Faraz Karim Chowdhury who recently attained graduation degree from London. Help Desk is one of the components of the CBR. Help Desk to extends cooperation and services instantly if anyone seeks so through providing secret information about the crimes so described.
 A flock of juvenile are directly or indirectly involved with the tasks of Help Desk . Most of the members of Help Desk (CBR) are the students of University and colleges. In the meantime, members of the Help Desk team achieved high praise from the concerned authorities by handing over these anti-social criminals to law enforcers.
Besides, the team members have been praised for resisting against realization of excess fees for filling SSC Exam forms, appraise to administration, free transport facilities for University admission seekers ,free cold drink supplies, and other welfare oriented activities .  
CBR ,Help Desk sources said, 21 early marriage program stopped and a number of drug addicts were arrested through disseminating secret message to Police and eve teasers were punished by mobile court after handover to local administration in the meantime. Concerned sources said to resist these unsocial activities specifically early marriage, eve teasing and drug addictions , CBR launched journey of Help Desk in Raozan from 12 April 2019 .
 About 31 juveniles of CBR, almost all students are involved with the Help Desk under the direct supervision of Faraz Karim Chowdhury. It is learnt the people of Raozan irrespective of caste and creed vowed to Faraz Karim Chowdhury to disseminate secret crimes related information through face book, whatsAp , mobile phone, etc . Beside, Help Desk members also collected this sorts of criminal activities through their social media device. But in most cases, on the basis of secret tip-off of Faraz Karim , the Help Desk volunteers are working incessantly to control the criminal activities in Raozan. Following the hide of identities of the victims by Faraz Karim, this Help Desk as well as CBR get unexpected popularity .
While contacted one of the leading member of CBR Md Saidul Islam said the first ever activities of the Help Desk was began on April 14 last after detention of one juvenile infront of Raozan RRAC Govt High School while practicing eve teasing to a female student of class Ten. Later the juvenile handed over to law enforcers .
 Another member Jamal Nakib told Help Desk is more active in anti-drug drives Recently a number of drug peddlers and addicts were arrested b y police in Raozan with the help of Help Desk team . Help Desk team also compelled to pay Tk.3 lakh to the f amily of victim ‘Reshma , a school student , who died in a road mishap as compensation.
A most active member of Help Desk Moinuddin Jamal Chisti told that under the ongoing activities of the Desk, at least 21 early marriage stopped, resisted the realization of excess fees in SSC exam form fill up , and return of excess fees to candidates instantly .
This excess fees matter was resolved after tripartite meet of students, teachers & guardians and local administration In this context, Founder of Help Desk Faraz Karim Chowdhury said the young spirited juveniles of CBR attained unexpected praise for involvement in the Help Desk . He said these CBR members are not dependent to any political party rather impartial .
So this social organization achieved wide reputations for their well being activities in the society . This process of Help Desk as well as CBR to be accelerated further to further for sustaining humanity, Faraz Karim added.
Officer -In-Charge of Raozan thana Kefayetullah told that Help Desk helps us through passing of secret messages of criminal activities and the Help Desk is trying to sustain a crimes-free upazila and hoped their efforts will be fulfilled no doubt .