Juveniles get exposed to corruption by question leaks: ACC

UNB, Dhaka :
With the recurrence of question paper leaks the education system have brought in a deep sense of frustration among the young generation in the country and a dark episode is eclipsing the next generation.
Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) made these observations in a report it submitted to the cabinet division on Wednesday making a request to take legal
process against the corrupt in the education sector.
ACC said, “Juveniles first get introduced to the statecraft through their public examinations. And due to the leaks in question papers, they get exposed to the vices of corruption.” ACC termed the question leaks as a new addition to the country’s corrupt practices.
An ACC-formed specialized team on education, mandated to find reasons of the corruption in the education sector, prepared the report.
ACC’s Public Relations Officer Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya told UNB on Wednesday that the commission submitted the report to the cabinet offering a 39-point recommendation.
The head of ‘Education Related Institutional Team’ that prepared the report is an ACC Director – Mir Mohammad Jainul Abedin.
ACC report mentioned about the various areas of corruption in education sectorsuch as question papers leaks, note or guidebook, so-called coaching business, building of the infrastructure of educational institution, monthly payment order, recruitment and transfer of the teachers
The ACC approved the report on Wednesday and sent to secretaries of the cabinet division, primary and higher education division, education ministry, chairman of national curriculum and textbook board, and chief engineer of education engineering department for further actions.