Readers’ Voice: Juvenile Gang Culture


The lack of proper mental development of adolescents, absence of right supervision by parents at the time of inevitable changes happen in them, deficiency of getting quality time, indifference, failure of practicing patterned social values and norms, etc.- are the main reasons why 14 to 18-year-old adolescents in the country are immersed in juvenile crime.
Parents are the first and foremost institution for their children. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure the intensive care and attention of the parents behind the worthy upbringing of the children. It is necessary to keep the children in the mainstream of society by creating strong social bonds through the exercise of friendly relations and by bridging the parental gap between parents and children. At the same time, it is very substantial to keep the growing children always involved in constructive and intellectually creative activities.

Wares Ali Khan
Sadar, Narsigdi
