Purchasing of raw jute being hampered: Jute goods worth about Tk 315cr lying unsold at 9 state-run jute mills

Ahsanul Amin George, Khulna :
Jute goods worth about Taka 315 crore have been lying unsold at 9 state-run Jute mills of Khulna-Jashore region due to financial crisis and continuous loss. The production is hampering a lot for not possible to purchase raw jute due to financial crisis , sources said.
Among 9 Jute mills in Khulna region , 7 are running by the Government . A total of 50 thousands workers employees have been working. The state owned Jute mills are now not in a position to run due to financial crisis. They cannot sell Jute goods and on the other side they cannot buy raw jutes as the government has not assisting them with fund.
Middleeast countries are the vital points of Bangladesh Jute goods. But due to prevailing unrest they are not agree to purchase jute goods. (such as bags, ropes, carpets etc.)
from Bangladesh. As a result jute goods worth about Tk. 315 crore are remained unsold. Mills authorities can not repay the arrear dues to the workers-employers .
Md, Sohrab Hossain, a CBA leader (General Secretary) of crescent Jute Mills said, Season of purchasing eaw jute is going on now, but Mills can’t purchase raw jute due to non allocation of fund.
Before KCC election, before Eid-ul-Azha and at last before Durga Puja which was celebrated by the Hindu Comminuty this month (October), workers-employees were given wages and salaries, except these occasions, wages and salaries generally are not given, as such the workers-employers are waiting for any other occasion because they don’t know when the next wages-salaries will be given, added CBA leader Sohrab Hossain.
CBA leader Sohrab Hossain further said due to negligence of Jute Mills officials, common workers are being deprived of getting their wages as the Jute goods are remained unsold at go-downs.
Sheikh Rahmatullah, Zonal Coordinator of BJMC, Khulna Zone told the journalists that stocked Jute goods would be sold within short time, discussions are going on with foreign buyers.
10 thousand bales of Jute goods worth about Taka 36 crore might be sold to Syria this month, he added. Of Course, he expects, within 2/3 months, this problem might be solved with the assistance of the government.
He said adding that Africa is our large market and if we capture this market, no jute goods would be stocked at go-downs.
On condition of anonymity, an officer of Khulna Zonal office of BJMC said, State-owned Jute mills are incurring loss of TK.250 crores each year and as such the government is giving deficits now and then.
Gazi Shahadat Hossain, project Head of the Crescent Jute Mills said, We can’t purchase raw jute due to fund crisis, production has degrded on 25 to 26 tonnes per day while earlier it was 70 tonnes daily. Besides, due to decreasing demand of jute goods, stocks have increased at jute go-downs of all Jute Mills in Khulna-Jashore region goods are lying unsold, he added.
If the Jute packaging Act of 2010 is implemented , selling jute goods in local markets would be possible, Gazi Shahadat further added.