BD, Russia SCs sign coop deal: Judiciary strives to secure rule of law, says Acting CJ

Staff Reporter :
Acting Chief Justice Md Abdul Wahhab Miah on Monday said Bangladesh has a strong and competent judiciary. And our judiciary is dispensing justice without fear or favour, and strives to secure rule of law.
He was speaking at a function on the occasion of signing of a cooperation agreement between the Supreme Courts of Russia and Bangladesh at the Supreme Court in Dhaka.
Justice Wahhab Miah and Chief Justice of Russian Supreme Court Justice Vyacheslav M Lebedev signed the cooperation agreement on behalf of their respective sides.
The Acting Chief Justice said, “All modern societies throughout the world, imbued with ideals of democracy, human rights and economic development aspirations, strive to achieve the goal of enforcing rule of law. The most important pillar of the constitutional edifice in Bangladesh is rule of law. Everyone,
whether individually or collectively is unquestionably under the rule of law.”
Justice Wahhab Mia also underscored the need for mutual understanding and cooperation between the branches of the state for the best strategy and solution for Bangladesh and its future development.
 “It is my firm belief and conviction that through mutual understanding and cooperation between the three branches of the state, we have the greatest chance of producing the best strategy and solution for our country, and move forward towards the future development in a brief sphere of life,” he said.
The Acting CJ said, “Bangladesh will never forget the great contribution of the then Soviet Union for their strong support during our Liberation War and for providing extensive aid, and tremendous help to build the new nation.”
 “Relations with Soviet Union were cordial in the year immediately following independence,” he said, adding, “The Soviet Union supported Indian actions in aiding the war of independence, and after the war the Soviet Navy sent a floating workshop to Bangladesh for clearing Pakistani mines from Chittagong and Chalna harbours.”
 “After independence, the newly-formed Bangladesh Air Force received a significant donation from the Soviet Union. In March 1972, Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman visited Moscow to express his gratitude and thanked the Soviet Union for their remarkable support during our Liberation War,” he said.