Judicial backlog worries: CJ

UNB, Dhaka :
Chief Justice SK Sinha on Saturday said the existence of the judiciary will come into question if the backlog of cases is not brought to a tolerable level.
“We can’t dispose of all the 30 lakh pending cases. However, if we can’t bring the backlog to a tolerable level, our existence will come into question,” he said.
The Chief Justice was addressing a conference of district judges and equivalent officers at the Supreme Court auditorium.
Explaining the matter, the custodian of the judiciary said, “I’m saying the existence because democratic institutions are being decayed… the values of
human being on the decline. If we go like these institutions, there’ll come a day when we’ll be dissolved.”
He also said he is fighting for lowering the vacation of the Supreme Court to half to lessen the backlog of cases. “We can’t afford the luxury of taking 80-86 days as holiday.”
SK Sinha, however, lamented that only one justice has supported him in this regard.