Judicial council ends: Judges must shun culture of wasting times, says CJ


Staff Reporter :
The Chief Justice (CJ), Surendra Kumar Sinha, on Sunday said that the backlog and the delay in disposal of cases hinder people’s access to justice. Moreover, it can make the management of the courts motionless and increases litigation cost, he said.
In this situation, people’s faith in the rule of law may suffer a jolt and impatience and violence may expand in the society, he said. So, we must get rid of this discomfort like backlog of cases and the delay in trial process. For this, the judges have to give up the culture of wasting time, added.The Chief Justice said this while addressing as the Chief Guest the inaugural working session of the concluding day of the two-day ‘National Judicial Conference 2016’ at the Supreme Court auditorium in Dhaka.
The two-day event started on Saturday at the Bangabandhu International Conference Centre in the city.
Justice M Enayetur Rahim presided over the inaugural working session yesterday while four other working sessions of the day were chaired by Justice Md Imman Ali, Justice Quamrul Islam Siddique, Justice Md Ashfaqul Islam and Justice Soumendra Sarker respectively.
Justice Md Abdul Wahhab Miah, Justice Naima Haider, Justice Obaidul Hassan, Justice Md. Shawkat Hossain, Justice A N M Bashir Ullah, Justice Quazi Reza-Ul Hoque were the discussants, among others.
Justice Md Abdul Wahhab Miah, Senior Judge of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court, presided at the concluding session of the two-day programme.
The Chief Justice said, currently around 27 lakh cases are pending with the lower courts across the country. He expected that the district judges will attend their courts in time and remain engaged in the judicial functions during their entire office time.
However, the CJ slammed some district judges for using other judges’ vehicles for travelling outside Dhaka without the permission of the authorities concerned. Using cars of other courts’ judges is not acceptable at all, he warned the judges.
He said that lawyers are the part of the Judiciary. In fact, a lawyer is an officer of a court and his primary duty is to help the court ensure justice. The relations with the lawyers will be of mutual understanding and professional. If they have logical demand, the District Judge will take initiatives to fulfil with higher authority’s concern.
In the last day of the conference, Senior District Judge Golam Mortuza Majumder highlighted various demands on behalf of the lower courts judges.
