Book review: Juddhojatra Ekattor

by Abdul Malik Faruk

Weekend Plus Desk ;
Published by Anwarul Islam Ovi, Shamsul-Karima Foundation, Joldhup, Beanibazar, Sylhet. Omor Ekushe Gronthomela 2016. Distributor: Utso Prokashon, 127, Aziz Supermarket, Shahbag, Dhaka. Cover: Towhin Hasan. Size DD 1/16 Formats: 9. Price: Tk 270.
Abdul Malik Faruk has earned fame and gained popularity in the field of literature particularly for his shortstories focusing on our anti-social elements and evils, degradation of human values, socio-economic inequity, bigotry, fanaticism and deviation from the noble spirit of Great Liberation War. The writer, being a dedicated freedom fighter in his budding youth could not compromise with these because of his patriotic zeal.
In his literary approach to the readers, he upholds human values for which they fought against the barbarous oppression and genocide of the Pakistani army. He discards inequality and injustice in the society and dreams of Bangladesh achieving lofty ideals of the valiant freedom fighters.
Abdul Malik Farruk’s first book (Shunyotar Poro Banshi), a book of 11 shortstories was published by Tarafdar Prokashoni, Banglabazar, Dhaka, during the Biomela ‘98.
His keen observation and literary presentation of the social anomalies in the shortstories attracted the readers. His second book (Josnay Jibonspondon) was published by Iqbal Hussain Bulbul, Shikkhon, UK in 2009. This book containing 16 short stories represented the writer from the same noble vision and perspective with a deeper approaching capability to the readers dreaming of a brighter Bangladesh.
The third book of Abdul Malik Faruk is Juddhojatra Ekattor published during the Ekushey Biomela 2016 by Anwarul Islam Ovi, Shamsul-Karima Foundation, Joldhup, Beanibazar, Sylhet, is the present book under discussion. The writer of Beanibazar, Sylhet had an adventurous start in joining the Liberation War, without the knowledge of his family. He had to face obstacles, even of endangering lives with his mates, who accompanied him. The book conveys a vivid description of the indomitable courage of the writer and his associates, their everyday life in quest of freedom, response to the call of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, contemporary events, collaborators, life in the camps, personalities and the mass dedicated to the struggle for Independence and co-operation of the Allied forces.
In seems to be a surprise that a student of 1971, without maintaining diary, has successfully recollected and described the events and their marching towards the goal as valiant fighters. Attractive language and style of literary presentation guided by humanistic outlook have made the book (an autobiographical presentation) acceptable, particularly for the new generation–eagerful to know about the Liberation War.
The writer’s approach is a regional one on the history of the Liberation War centering Beanibazar thana of Sylhet. It is a contribution to the national history of the glorious War of Liberation. The ‘Publishers Note’ focuses on the writer and appreciates his bright contribution as a dedicated warrior and writer. It expressed ‘pride’ and ‘honour’ in the publication of the book Juddhojatra Ekattor is a reminiscence of those days, depicting some unknown and important subjects and events of history.
In the appendix the list of the names of the members of the first batch who went to Moulvibazar to join the Liberation War has been included.
The book has been dedicated to the writer’s mother Toslima Bibi and father Mukommil Ali. Utso Prokashon, a patron of our glorious history and heritage, shoulders the responsibility of the distribution of this book.
Abdul Malik Faruk’s excellent recollection of the dedicated days for motherland has made the book a good memoir. His aesthetic presentation of the partial biography of his life is reader-friendly and impresses the readers with the spirit of great Liberation War. A left-wing primary worker of the then political arena, Abdul Malik Faruk, like his leaders and elders jumped to uphold the Flag of Bangladesh and worked unitedly to reach the goal.
We expect wide circulation of this valuable book. n
–Literature Desk