Jubo Dal’s rival factions face to face over new dist committee

PATUAKHALI: Members of Bangladesh Coast Guard arrested two persons with three lakh fish fries of prawn from Labukhali Ferry Ghat on Tuesday.
PATUAKHALI: Members of Bangladesh Coast Guard arrested two persons with three lakh fish fries of prawn from Labukhali Ferry Ghat on Tuesday.
Nilphamari Correspondent :
In connection with declaration of new executive committee of district unit of Jatiyatabadi Jubo Dal by central leadership, two rival factions of the organization are now face to face as one faction rejected the committee terming it as a fun as a BNP leader is selected as president and arranging agitation programmes while the other faction hailed the new committee.
The agitated faction in line with series protest programmes for last couple of days staged a demonstration on Tuesday near BNP office at municipal market demanding cancellation of new committee while pro- committee faction arranged workers meeting in party office.
At one stage, both groups became face to face chanting provocation slogans creating a tense situation as clash might be triggered which could be avoided at interference of senior leaders..
Earlier on Friday, Jubo Dal central committee in a written statement signed by president and general secretary declared five members partial committee of the district unit to serve for next 3 years with Saifullah Rubel as president, Kazi Akhtaruzzaman Jewel as vice president, Shahadat Chowdhury as general secretary, Asaduzzaman Ripon as joint secretary and Al Noman Parvez as organizing secretary while names of other office bearers would likely to be announced later.
Local Jubo Dal sources informed that before announcement of new committee, a convening committee led the organization for a year with agitating leaders Jewel and Parvez were president and secretary and they were desirous to get the two top most posts but central decision made them upset and they resigned from their posts in new committee on Saturday.
However, in agitation programme at municipal market area, resigned Jubo Dal vice president Akhtaruzzaman Jewel alleged that central committee unusually chosen BNP’s district unit Publicity Secretary Saifullah Rubel as president in new committee who also served as general secretary of municipal unit of party (BNP) for five years creating a fun in the area.
He also alleged that the new General Secretary Shahadat Chowdhury is the head master of a govt. primary school and his selection is illegal and violation of party constitution.
Al Noman Parvez, party’s resigned organizing secretary in his speech said that central Jubo Dal’s decision deprived young leadership manifesting their bankruptcy to ruin party sprit.
On the other hand, in today’s workers meeting at party office, new president Saifullah Rubel said that central committee chose him president as he is young in age and has contribution for party.
He also called for unity to launch tougher agitation program to restore democracy terming the present intra party rivalry as a usual matter in a big organization.
District President of BNP Shamsuzzaman said that Jubo Dal’s central committee chose the new committee led by Saifullah Rubel and we have full support for it.
