Jubo Dal leader killed in Savar `gunfight`

UNB, Savar :
A leader of BNP’ youth wing Jatiyatabadi Jubo Dal was killed in a ‘gunfight’ with police at Birulia in Savar upazila on the outskirts of the capital early Saturday.
The deceased was identified as Shah-Alam Nayan, 44, organising secretary of Savar municipality unit of Jubo Dal. Mahbubur Rahman, Senior Assistant Superintendent of Police of Savar Model Police Station said two sub-inspectors of
the police station arrested Nayan from his Mohammadpur residence in the capital on Friday night.
Later, the police team went to Birulia with Nayan to recover arms early hours on Saturday. When they went near Krishibid Nursery, the associates of Nayan swooped on the law enforcers and opened fire on them. In retaliation, police also opened fire on the miscreants when Nayan received bullet injuries.
Later, he was whisked off to Savar Upazila Health Complex where a doctor declared him dead. A case was filed with Savar Model Police Station in connection with the incident. The body was sent to Dhaka Medical College Hospital (DMCH) for autopsy. Nayan was wanted in 14 cases filed with the police station including for arson attacks on public transports, carrying out subversive activities, murder and abduction.