JU VC mourns death of a student


Vice-Chancellor of Jahangirnagar University (JU) Professor Farzana Islam on Saturday expressed profound shock at the death of Mahmud Bin Ashraf Pranto, a first year student of Philosophy department of the university.
Mahmud (21), hailed from Meherpur district, died after being hit by an iron rod as it fell on him from a construction site in Dhanmondi in the capital on Friday night.
In a condolence message, Professor Farzana Islam said, ‘Mahmud enrolled in our university with the dream of establishing himself as an enlightened person’.
The VC prayed for eternal peace of the departed soul and conveyed sympathy to the bereaved family members.
Meanwhile, the body of Mahmud was brought to university campus on Saturday from Dhaka Medical College Hospital and his first and second namaz- e- janaza were held at Mir Mosharraf Hossain Hall and on New Arts building premises respectively.
