JU students’ strike for VC’s resignation continue

Staff Reporter :
A section of students and teachers of Jahangirnagar University went on strike from Wednesday, demanding resignation of Vice-Chancellor Prof Dr Farzana Islam. They also blocked the academic buildings, suspending its activities on the first day of their two-day strike.
The protesters under the banner of ‘Jahangirnagar against corruption’, staged a sit-in on the campus, halting vehicular movement.
On the other hands, a separate group of teachers under the banner of ‘Bangabandhu
Teachers Association’, formed a human chain demanding punishment to those involved in spreading false allegation against the VC.
Large number of students and teachers of Jahangirnagar University have been seeking ouster of Prof Farzana on the charge of her connection with corruption.
It may be said that a section of students and teachers demonstrated on the campus for about two weeks demanding her renewed yesterday after a brief pause.