JU student dies of rare disease

Staff Reporter :
A female student of Jahangirnagar University died of a rare inflammatory disease linked to cancer at a private hospital in Dhaka early Wednesday.
Shirin Akhter Tithi, a master’s student at the university’s anthropology department and a resident student of Pritilata hall, had suffered from Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) since early 2017.
Shirin, a resident of Gazipur, undergone treatment in India in 2020 and led a normal life as her condition improved, said her younger brother Srabon Hasan.
Her condition, however, deteriorated suddenly
a week ago and she was admitted to a private hospital in the capital, he said.
With several inflammatory complications, she was declared dead by a duty doctor on Wednesday, Srabon said.
Delta Hospital radiology and imaging unit head professor Shaikh Shofiur Rahman said that the disease, Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis, is rare in Bangladesh.