JU dorms likely to reopen after Oct 15


JU correspondent :
After a 19-month wait for the reopening of Campus and dormitories, the Jahangirnagar University (JU) authority is likely to reopen the dormitories after October 15.
Professor Dr. Farzana Islam, Vice-chancellor of the university told the New Nation this evening.
While talking about the reopening of the university, Professor Farzana Islam said, “Earlier we have decided to reopen the campus and dormitories after hundred percent vaccination of the students. But, following UGC’s decision, we changed our decision. That is, ensuring registration for vaccination of all students by September 27”.
Regarding the specific date of reopening the university, the VC told, ” If everything goes well and we can ensure minimum a single shot against Covid-19 to all students, we are expecting to reopen the dormitories any day after 15 October”
“Four vaccination booths will be installed at the premises of the university’s medical center. Health Ministry will help us by providing human resources who will vaccinate the students “, she said.
When will start in-person classes, Professor Islam answered, “In-person classes will be resumed after two weeks of reopening the dormitories. They will continue online classes staying in their halls. Within this period, immunity will grow in their body. Also, We need to observe whether the students suffer any side effects after taking the dose”.
Meanwhile, the university authority will reopen the halls for all of the legal students at a time. They will urge the first-year (2019-20 session) students to come to halls after a month of reopening. By this time, the students of 44 batch’s (2014-15 session) will finish their post-graduation examination.
